Usakos Needy Children Support Organization
UNCSO is a non-profit, non-governmental organization striving for a better environment for the children in the community of Usakos.
The project takes place in the small town of Usakos, Erongo, Namibia.
We care for orphans and vulnerable children whose extended families do not have the means e.g. financially to take care of the children.
With great engagement we do everything improving the livelihood of the needy children for a better and prospective future.
The project is supported by donations and realized through the project coordinator Mrs. Marianne Izaaks and the great support of volunteers.
Short news from UNCSO 1/2022
This year Namibia is blessed with good rain, we received so much rain that our water sources was able to rehabilitate now. We also want to express our gratitude to our donors, supporter’s, stakeholders and every volunteer and their families for their support and contribution towards the sustainability of the organization. We open our doors on the 10th of January for operate, hence our low covid rates the schools are operating at a capacity of 80%.
To permanent donators and supporter a special thank you for keeping the organization going, without your support we could not made such big changes. We also want to thank Fair-Parken GmbH for their support to start a new project at UNCSO namely woodwork and teenage pregnancies. We also thank HORNHUES STIFTUNG a permanent donor and Marion Wallek a former volunteer for the visit during last year.
UNCSO Team wish all a prosperous year and may 2022 be a blessed year for us all.
Marianne and Ingrid
For more information please have a look at the Newsletter 1/2022 of the Volunteers…
Interview Social Entrepreneur Marianne Izaaks with Sophia Fassbender
Center Work Lena 2009 Marianne and Lena
The new management team consists of Mr. Eriki Simeon, chairman, his deputy Mr. Izak Izaaks, financial manager Mr. Evaristus Muyeghu,
the secretary Mrs. Pamela Simeon, the representative of the parents Mrs. Johanna Khaises the representative of the school Mr. Kham and
not least the project manager Mrs. Marianne Izaaks.
Our special thanks go to our new colleagues, who voluntarily work for UNCSO during their free time. We are looking forward to a good and confidential cooperation.
A big thanks from Christian Wilken – volunteer at the second term 2014
I miss Marianne’s powerful style of speaking Afrikaans to a child’s parent and translating it afterwards in English for us volunteers.
I miss small Usakos with its supermarket, the treehouse restaurant with its delicious burgers (in case there are buns), the butchery just around the corner with its great biltong.
I miss the view to the old water tower and the steam engine in the city center, which seem to melt under the hot sun.
I also miss our tour guide Hannelie and the kind Andrew, who both showed us some of the nicest places of Namibia. Thanks to Marianne we got to know these two outstanding persons. All these memories are irreplaceable and now when I look back at this essay it actually helped to freeze them in my mind.
Thank you Marianne and thank you Agnes, Loloki, Elisabeth, Selma, Hope, Melody, Natasha, Sally, Bibi, Michael, Michelle X, Michelle E, Desi, Palomida, Markus, Margret, David, Steven, Jack, Denzel, Jenny, Chaminda, Cherolda, Frieda, Jakob, Chantel, Rejoice, Rauna, Jan, Frans, Stanley, Andreas, Amor, Martha, Andreas, Pomwene, Alison, Innocent, Taleni, Aletha, Glenda, Grace, Shoudin, Lukas. Thank you so so much – It was just amazing.
For every one who considers visiting the UNCSO to collect a smile from so many special kids and a strong woman, I just can recommend to hit the road as soon as possible. It’s worth it.
For application and more information please click here